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Tmux change scroll up/down keys





Currently when I want to go into scroll mode I press Ctrl+b and then [. However after entering copy-mode, I must use the up and down keys to scroll up or down. I would prefer to k for up and j for down.

How do I change the scrolling behaviour so that scroll down happens when I press k and scroll up happens when I press j?

like image 443
Mfswiggs Avatar asked Jul 01 '15 07:07


People also ask

How do you move up in Tmux?

Scrolling with keys is enabled by default in Tmux. Just press ctrl + b then [ to move around with the arrow keys. Just as with the mouse settings you have to add them to your . tmux.

How do I scroll through Tmux terminal?

Scrolling Up and Down in Tmux If you want to scroll the Tmux terminal, enter the copy mode by pressing the “Ctrl+b” combination and entering “[”. Now, you can use the navigation keys like arrows (up and down) for moving line by line. Left and right arrows can be used for character by character moving.

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Tmux uses the keybinding 'Prefix' followed by 'Ctrl+o' to cycle around the panes. When you use this key-binding for the first time, it moves the pane in one position clockwise.

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The SSH shell session uses a fork of tmux (https://github.com/tmux/tmux) which is a Terminal multiplexor program called tmate (https://tmate.io/) and with it you can open Windows, scroll through history, and more. To quit the history scroll mode, you simply press the letter q.

1 Answers

I use a .tmux.conf file with something similar to the following, which I adapted to your question

# Set tmux to Vi mode
set-window-option -g mode-keys vi
# Scroll up/down with j/k
bind-key -t vi-copy 'j' page-up
bind-key -t vi-copy 'k' page-down

Although this seems unnecessary because in vi mode, the hjkl work as expected, and you scroll up/down with J/K (Shift+J, Shift+K) which work just fine

To make it even more Vim-like I add following:

bind-key -t vi-copy 'v' begin-selection                  
bind-key -t vi-copy 'y' copy-selection

Which works like Vim's visual select and yank

Note: After configuring the file you have to reload it, e.g. with the tmux command :source ~/.tmux.conf

like image 118
bakkal Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10
