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Tint image using CSS without overlay

Is it possible to tint an image with a specific color using CSS without an overlay in a WebKit browser?

Failed attempts

  • Managed to tint the image sepia or an arbitrary color using hue-rotate but couldn't find a way to tint it with a specific color.
  • Creating a "tint" SVG filter and calling it with -webkit-filter: url(#tint) doesn't work on Chrome.
  • All possible combinations of opacity/box-shadow css properties with drop-shadow/opacity filters don't generate the desired effect.


  • Given a color, wouldn't it be possible to combine the HSB filters (hue-rotate, saturation, brightness) to generate its tint?
like image 649
hpique Avatar asked Sep 22 '12 18:09


2 Answers

Eventually it will be, using shaders. See the W3C Docs on Filters.

At the moment, what is possible for instance is:

-webkit-filter: grayscale; /*sepia, hue-rotate, invert....*/ -webkit-filter: brightness(50%);  


  • David Walsh on CSS Filters
  • Stackoverflow: apply a rose tint...:
  • W3C Filter Effects 1.0 Docs - 38.2.5. Other uniform variables: the CSS shaders parameters


Adobe released its HTML5 based CSS Filter Labs with support for custom filters (Shaders) on supported browsers:

enter image description here

like image 169
Lorenz Lo Sauer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Lorenz Lo Sauer

While there are no stand alone tint filter you can make kind of one by composition of existing filters without shading.

Combine sepia to unify the color, then hue-rotate to the color you want it to be tinted with

-webkit-filter: sepia(90%) hue-rotate(90deg); 

I use borders with an alpha value for my tints, its really an overlay but doesn't use any extra DOM elements making the transition to sepia+hue-rotate simpler when the other browsers get those filters.

like image 24
krs Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
