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tidyr::expand() for a single column across groups





tidyr::expand() returns all possible combinations of values from multiple columns. I'm looking for a slightly different behavior, where all the values are in a single column and the combinations are to be taken across groups.

For example, let the data be defined as follows:

library( tidyverse )
X <- bind_rows( data_frame(Group = "Group1", Value = LETTERS[1:3]),
                data_frame(Group = "Group2", Value = letters[4:5]) )

We want all combinations of values from Group1 with values from Group2. My current clunky solution is to separate the values across multiple columns

Y <- X %>% group_by(Group) %>% do(vals = .$Value) %>% spread(Group, vals)
# # A tibble: 1 x 2
#   Group1    Group2   
#   <list>    <list>   
# 1 <chr [3]> <chr [2]>

followed by a double unnest operation

Y %>% unnest( .preserve = Group2 ) %>% unnest
# # A tibble: 6 x 2
#   Group1 Group2
#   <chr>  <chr> 
# 1 A      d     
# 2 A      e     
# 3 B      d     
# 4 B      e     
# 5 C      d     
# 6 C      e     

This is the desired output, but as you can imagine, this solution doesn't generalize well: as the number of groups increases, so does the number of unnest operations that we have to perform.

Is there a more elegant solution?

like image 635
Artem Sokolov Avatar asked May 25 '18 19:05

Artem Sokolov

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The spread() function can be used to create four additional columns from the stat column's four distinct values. library(tidyr) library(tidyr)

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To use spread() , pass it the name of a data frame, then the name of the key column in the data frame, and then the name of the value column. Pass the column names as they are; do not use quotes. To tidy table2 , you would pass spread() the key column and then the value column.

What are the functions of Tidyr?

tidyr provides three main functions for tidying your messy data: gather() , separate() and spread() . Sometimes two variables are clumped together in one column. separate() allows you to tease them apart ( extract() works similarly but uses regexp groups instead of a splitting pattern or position).

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1 Answers

Because OP seems happy to use base, I upgrade my comment to an answer:

expand.grid(split(X$Value, X$Group))
#   Group1 Group2
# 1      A      d
# 2      B      d
# 3      C      d
# 4      A      e
# 5      B      e
# 6      C      e

As noted by OP, expand.grid converts character vectors to factors. To prevent that, use stringsAsFactors = FALSE.

The tidyverse equivalent is purrr::cross_df, which doesn't coerce to factor:

cross_df(split(X$Value, X$Group))
# A tibble: 6 x 2
# Group1 Group2
# <chr>  <chr> 
# 1 A      d     
# 2 B      d     
# 3 C      d     
# 4 A      e     
# 5 B      e     
# 6 C      e
like image 168
Henrik Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09
