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The value restriction



In OCaml you can't generalize a partially-applied curried function (the "value restriction").

What is the purpose of the value restriction? What unpleasant would happen if it did not exist?

like image 947
ThePiercingPrince Avatar asked Mar 19 '14 13:03


2 Answers

Without the value restriction or other mechanisms to restrict generalization, this program would be accepted by the type system:

let r = (fun x -> ref x) [];; (* this is the line where the value restriction would trigger *)

> r : 'a list ref

r := [ 1 ];;

let cond = (!r = [ "foo" ]);;

The variable r would have type 'a list ref, meaning that its contents could be compared to [ "foo" ] although it contained a list of integers.

See Xavier Leroy's PhD thesis for more motivation (ref is not the only construct one may want to add to pure lambda-calculus that introduces the problem) and a survey of the systems that existed at the time of his thesis (including his).

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Pascal Cuoq Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10

Pascal Cuoq

Here is the answer I gave some time ago about F#; the issue is exactly the same with OCaml. The problem is that without it, we would be able to create references that point to the wrong type of data:

let f : 'a -> 'a option =
    let r = ref None in
    fun x ->
        let old = !r in
        r := Some x;

f 3           // r := Some 3; returns None : int option
f "t"         // r := Some "t"; returns Some 3 : string option!!!
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Tarmil Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10
