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Better to use "and" or "in" when chaining "let" statements?

I realize this is probably a silly question, but...

If I'm chaining a bunch of let statements which do not need to know each other's values, is it better to use and or in?

For example, which of these is preferable, if any:

let a = "foo"
and b = "bar"
and c = "baz"
  (* etc. *)


let a = "foo" in
let b = "bar" in
let c = "baz"
  (* etc. *)

My intuition tells me the former ought to be "better" (by a very petty definition of "better") because it creates the minimum number of scopes necessary, whereas the latter is a scope-within-a-scope-within-a-scope which the compiler/interpreter takes care to note but is ultimately unimportant and needlessly deep.

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koschei Avatar asked Jun 14 '11 22:06


2 Answers

My opinion is that in is better. The use of and implies that the definitions are mutually dependent on each other. I think it is better to be clear that this is not the case. On the other hand, some OCaml programmers do prefer and for very short definitions, where the slightly more compact notation can appear cleaner. This is especially true when you can fit the definitions on a single line:

let a = "foo" and b = "bar" in
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Ashish Agarwal Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Ashish Agarwal

The answer to the question "which is better?" only really makes sense when the interpretations do not differ. The ML family of languages (at least SML and OCaml) have both a parallel initialization form (and) and a sequential, essentially nested-scope form (in) because they are both useful in certain situations.

In your case the semantics are the same, so you are left to answer the question "what reads best to you?" and maybe (if this is not premature) "which might be executed more efficiently?" In your case the alternatives are:

  • For the and case: evaluate a bunch of strings and do a parallel binding to three identifiers.

  • For the in case: bind foo to a, then bind bar to b, then bind baz to c.

Which reads better? It is a toss up in this case because the outcome does not matter. You can poll some English speakers but I doubt there will be much preference. Perhaps a majority will like and as it separates bindings leaving the sole in before the expression.

As to what executes more efficiently, I think a good compiler will likely produce the same code because it can detect the order of binding will not matter. But perhaps you have a compiler that generates code for a multicore processor that does better with and. Or maybe a naive compiler which writes all the RHSs into temporary storage and then binds them, making the and case slower.

These are likely to be non-essential optimization concerns, especially since they involve bindings and are probably not in tight loops.

Bottom line: it's a true toss-up in this case; just make sure to use parallel vs. sequencial correctly when the outcome does matter.

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Ray Toal Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09

Ray Toal