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The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched

People also ask

How do I give permission to an event log?

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > EventLog > Security, right-click and select "Permissions..." Click "Add...", find the account running Secret Server, then click OK. Check Read in the Allow column, then click OK to apply the permission.

What are the 3 types of logs available through the Event Viewer?

Types of Event Logs They are Information, Warning, Error, Success Audit (Security Log) and Failure Audit (Security Log).

How do I create an event source in Event Viewer?

To create an event source, you need to have a name for your new source (called the Event Source Name) and the name of the log where the event source will be a part. If the event log entries would be written to the standard “Application”, “System” or “Security” logs, then you can use that as the name of the log.

What is source in event log?

The event source is the name of the software that logs the event. It is often the name of the application or the name of a subcomponent of the application if the application is large.

EventLog.SourceExists enumerates through the subkeys of HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog to see if it contains a subkey with the specified name. If the user account under which the code is running does not have read access to a subkey that it attempts to access (in your case, the Security subkey) before finding the target source, you will see an exception like the one you have described.

The usual approach for handling such issues is to register event log sources at installation time (under an administrator account), then assume that they exist at runtime, allowing any resulting exception to be treated as unexpected if a target event log source does not actually exist at runtime.

Had the same exception. In my case, I had to run Command Prompt with Administrator Rights.

From the Start Menu, right click on Command Prompt, select "Run as administrator".

For me this error was due to the command prompt, which was not running under administrator privileges. You need to right click on the command prompt and say "Run as administrator".

You need administrator role to install or uninstall a service.

Launch Developer command line "As an Administrator". This account has full access to Security log

Didnt work for me.

I created a new key and string value and managed to get it working

Key= HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Application\<Your app name>\
String EventMessageFile value=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\EventLogMessages.dll