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Why are ToLookup and GroupBy different?




.ToLookup<TSource, TKey> returns an ILookup<TKey, TSource>. ILookup<TKey, TSource> also implements interface IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey, TSource>>.

.GroupBy<TSource, TKey> returns an IEnumerable<IGrouping<Tkey, TSource>>.

ILookup has the handy indexer property, so it can be used in a dictionary-like (or lookup-like) manner, whereas GroupBy can't. GroupBy without the indexer is a pain to work with; pretty much the only way you can then reference the return object is by looping through it (or using another LINQ-extension method). In other words, any case that GroupBy works, ToLookup will work as well.

All this leaves me with the question why would I ever bother with GroupBy? Why should it exist?

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Shlomo Avatar asked Apr 18 '12 18:04


People also ask

What does GroupBy do in c#?

GroupBy() Method in C# The GroupBy() is an extension method that returns a group of elements from the given collection based on some key value. arr. GroupBy(b => chkSmaller(b)); The above chkSmaller() finds the elements smaller than 50.

What is ToLookup in LINQ?

ToLookup operator in LINQ is an extension method, and it is used to extract a set of key/value pairs from the source. Here, each element in the resultant collection is a generic Lookup object. Lookup object holds the Key and subsequence items that matched with the Key.

3 Answers

why would I ever bother with GroupBy? Why should it exist?

What happens when you call ToLookup on an object representing a remote database table with a billion rows in it?

The billion rows are sent over the wire, and you build the lookup table locally.

What happens when you call GroupBy on such an object?

A query object is built; end of story.

When that query object is enumerated then the analysis of the table is done on the database server and the grouped results are sent back on demand a few at a time.

Logically they are the same thing but the performance implications of each are completely different. Calling ToLookup means I want a cache of the entire thing right now organized by group. Calling GroupBy means "I am building an object to represent the question 'what would these things look like if I organized them by group?'"

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Eric Lippert Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10

Eric Lippert

In simple LINQ-world words:

  • ToLookup() - immediate execution
  • GroupBy() - deferred execution
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sll Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10


The two are similar, but are used in different scenarios. .ToLookup() returns a ready to use object that already has all the groups (but not the group's content) eagerly loaded. On the other hand, .GroupBy() returns a lazy loaded sequence of groups.

Different LINQ providers may have different behaviors for the eager and lazy loading of the groups. With LINQ-to-Object it probably makes little difference, but with LINQ-to-SQL (or LINQ-to-EF, etc.), the grouping operation is performed on the database server rather than the client, and so you may want to do an additional filtering on the group key (which generates a HAVING clause) and then only get some of the groups instead of all of them. .ToLookup() wouldn't allow for such semantics since all items are eagerly grouped.

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Allon Guralnek Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10

Allon Guralnek