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The multi-part identifier could not be bound C# and SQL

I'm trying to execute a SQL query for a WCF service because the database I'm using doesn't have a stored procedure to return data I need. You can see the code below. I'm using VS2010 and connecting to Microsoft SQL Server. The Exception I get is: The multi-part identifier could not be bound. Thanks for the help.

        public List<ObjectCodeGroup> GetObjectCodeGroup()
        TCDataDataContext dc16 = new TCDataDataContext();
        List<ObjectCodeGroup> results = new List<ObjectCodeGroup>();

        var objectCodeResults = dc16.ExecuteQuery<ObjectCodeGroup>(@"select t1.codeid," +
            "t1.code, t1.catalogtype, t1.codegroup, t1.codetext, t1.codegrouptext, t1.codedesc, t1.state_id from CODES t1" +

            "inner join ( select MIN(codeid) codeid, codegroup from CODES group by codegroup)" +
                "t2 on t1.codeid = t2.codeid and t1.codegroup = t2.codegroup WHERE catalogtype = 11");

        foreach (ObjectCodeGroup o in objectCodeResults)
            results.Add(new ObjectCodeGroup()
               codegrouptext = o.codegrouptext

        return results;
like image 784
deadsix Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 07:03


1 Answers

you are missing a bunch of spaces, so that's part of the problem. Add spaces (at the end of the lines)!

var objectCodeResults = dc16.ExecuteQuery<ObjectCodeGroup>(@"select t1.codeid, " +
"t1.code, t1.catalogtype, t1.codegroup, t1.codetext, t1.codegrouptext, t1.codedesc, t1.state_id from CODES t1 " +
"inner join ( select MIN(codeid) codeid, codegroup from CODES group by codegroup) " +
"t2 on t1.codeid = t2.codeid and t1.codegroup = t2.codegroup WHERE catalogtype = 11");

Your original query looked something like SELECT BLAH FROM CODES t1inner join (MOREBLAH).... Specifically, look at the t1inner. That's what is gumming up the query.

like image 56
Russell Uhl Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 13:04

Russell Uhl