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the meaning of #! in python separately [duplicate]



I could add #! /usr/bin/python in the beginning of python script and add this script to PATH in order to run it as a command.

But could anyone explain to me what does '#' and '!' mean separately in python and what other language has this mechanism? Thanks

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f4fc2791e4473eb2ba41b5ddb445b2 Avatar asked Nov 16 '14 06:11


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2 Answers

This is the shebang line and the #! are magic numbers interpreted by the program loader on unix systems and used to start the script interpreter.

like image 165
Elliott Frisch Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 13:10

Elliott Frisch

# followed by anything is a comment; so far as Python itself is concerned, that's it. Unix, on the other hand, will parse out the /usr/bin/python so that it knows how to run your code.

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Kevin Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 12:10
