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tkinter option menu - update options on fly

I'm creating a GUI using Tkinter with Python 2.7.6.

I have a drop down menu, created and initially disabled with the following code:

    self.dropdown = Tkinter.OptionMenu(self, self.dropdownVar, "Select SED...")

After a user selects a directory, I call a function onEnterDir() which then gets a list of files in that directory. So, I have a list of files in a variable called dirFiles.

What I want is to then update the options in the dropdown menu with the items in this dirFiles list. How would I do this?

My question is different to others on here because I just want to update the list of items self.dropdown displays. It's not dependent on any other widget. I have a python list of things I want to put in. How do I do this?

like image 963
Carl M Avatar asked Sep 28 '14 11:09

Carl M

Video Answer

1 Answers

You can use the same technique in the answer you mentioned in question:

For example:

import os
from functools import partial
from Tkinter import *
from tkFileDialog import askdirectory

def onEnterDir(dropdown, var):
    path = askdirectory()
    if not path:
    filenames = os.listdir(path)
    dropdown.configure(state='normal')  # Enable drop down
    menu = dropdown['menu']

    # Clear the menu.
    menu.delete(0, 'end')
    for name in filenames:
        # Add menu items.
        menu.add_command(label=name, command=lambda name=name: var.set(name))
        # OR menu.add_command(label=name, command=partial(var.set, name))

root = Tk()
dropdownVar = StringVar()
dropdown = OptionMenu(root, dropdownVar, "Select SED...")
dropdown.grid(column=0, row=1)
b = Button(root, text='Change directory',
           command=lambda: onEnterDir(dropdown, dropdownVar))
b.grid(column=1, row=1)
like image 189
falsetru Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10
