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The Include path expression must refer to a navigation property defined on the type.in eager loading

I try to include anonymous type like this : I want all incomelist attributes in addition to CompanyTitle ,PeriodTypeName )

 var incomeList = ctx.IncomeLists.Include(i => new
                    CompanyTitle = i.CompanyId.ToString() + "/" + i.Company.CompanyName,
                    PeriodTypeName = i.ListPeriods.Select(lp => lp.PeriodType.PeriodTypeName)

My model section like this : enter image description here

but i get the following exception :

The Include path expression must refer to a navigation property defined on the type. Use dotted paths for reference navigation properties and the Select operator for collection navigation properties. Parameter name: path

The result should be the datasource to Gridview.

like image 944
Anyname Donotcare Avatar asked Jul 30 '16 16:07

Anyname Donotcare

1 Answers

You cannot use Include to select data like this. Include is used to load related data. You should load your entities using Include then select what you want. Remember to remove .ToString() from CompanyId. EF will do it for you. Your query should look like this:

var incomeList = ctx.IncomeLists
    .Include(i => i.Company)
    .Include(i => i.ListPeriods.Select(lp => lp.PeriodType))
    .Select(i => new 
        CompanyTitle =  i.CompanyId + "/" + i.Company.CompanyName,
        PeriodTypeNames = i.ListPeriods.Select(lp => lp.PeriodType.PeriodTypeName)
like image 175
Adil Mammadov Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11

Adil Mammadov