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What does plus equals(+=) operator means here? [duplicate]

I was working out sample code of Windows phone and often I see statements with += operator.

I know about add assignment operator which does the below operation

+= means a = a + b;  // used for both adding number and string concatenation

But this is new to me

phNumChoseTask = new PhoneNumberChooserTask();
phNumChoseTask.Completed += new EventHandler<PhoneNumberResult>(phoneNumberChooserTask_Completed);

Here how does += works?

like image 824
Praveen Avatar asked Feb 07 '14 06:02


People also ask

What does the += plus equals operator do?

The addition assignment operator ( += ) adds the value of the right operand to a variable and assigns the result to the variable. The types of the two operands determine the behavior of the addition assignment operator. Addition or concatenation is possible.

What is the meaning of += in C#?

+= Add AND assignment operator, It adds right operand to the left operand and assign the result to left operand. C += A is equivalent to C = C + A. -= Subtract AND assignment operator, It subtracts right operand from the left operand and assign the result to left operand.

What does plus equal mean?

The plus equal operator += in JavaScript is a shorthand operator that allows you to add the value from the right operand to the left operand. For example, you can add 3 to the num like this: let num = 7; num += 3; console.

What is plus equal in Python?

The Python += operator adds two values together and assigns the final value to a variable. This operator is called the addition assignment operator.

2 Answers

In the current context += means subscribe. In other words it's like you are telling subscribe my method (the right operand) to this event (the left operand), this way, when the event is raised, your method will be called. Also, it is a good practice to unsubscribe (-= from this event, when you have finished your work ( but before you dispose you object ) in order to prevent your method being called and to prevent resource leaks. FMI look here.

like image 195
NValchev Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09


The += operator is used to specify a method that will be called in response to an event; such methods are called event handlers. The use of the += operator in this context is referred to as subscribing to an event.

Other usage, It can also be used as assignment operator:


can be written as

like image 21
Venkatesh K Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Venkatesh K