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The Google Time Zone API Usage Limits

I wish to use Google Time Zone API in my android app. In their Usage Limits, they said as below.

Use of the Google Time Zone API is subject to a limit of 2,500 per 24 hour period. Maps for Business customers receive 100,000 requests per 24 hour period.

Is this 24 hour period limit is per user of my android application or whole users of my android application ?

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Bishan Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 01:03


2 Answers

The limits are per ip address. Please note, some mobile networks are going to share ip addresses.

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Mano Marks Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 19:03

Mano Marks

Limit is based on the individual users. Each user is going to have their own email id logged in. So whichever request is called is based on their gmail Ids.

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Kitkat Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 18:03
