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Could not extract package's data directory. Are you sure that your installed application is debuggable?

I'm using eclipse to debug my android app which has a c native code.

When i plug in my nexsus4 the ndk external debugging tool works.

when I plug my galaxy note2 it throws the following error when trying to attach to the device:

Android NDK installation path: /Users/eladb/MyWorkspace/android-ndk-r8b
Using specific adb command: /Users/eladb/MyWorkspace/sdk/platform-tools/adb
ADB version found: Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31
Using ADB flags: 
Using auto-detected project path: .
Found package name: com.myPack
ABIs targetted by application: armeabi
Device API Level: 18
Device CPU ABIs: armeabi-v7a armeabi
Compatible device ABI: armeabi
Using gdb setup init: ./libs/armeabi/gdb.setup
Using toolchain prefix: /Users/eladb/MyWorkspace/android-ndk-r8b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/darwin-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
Using app out directory: ./obj/local/armeabi
Found debuggable flag: true
Found device gdbserver: /data/data/com.myPack/lib/gdbserver
ERROR: Could not extract package's data directory. Are you sure that
       your installed application is debuggable?

I have enabled developers options

and allowed device debugging via usb

it doesn't work for my samsung galaxy note2 (android 4.3) but works for nexsus4 (4.2)

I think this is a known issue?

but how to workarround this?

like image 404
Elad Benda Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 04:03

Elad Benda

1 Answers

It's a problem with Android 4.3 in general. Take a look at the Android bug tracker issue 59558 which in turn links to the root of the issue that run-as is borked. (58373) I'm not sure when/if the Note 2 is getting 4.4, so you may want to look into whether or not you can downgrade back to 4.1.2.

like image 123
Doug-W Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 09:04
