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The executable gets signed with invalid entitlements in Xcode

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What is code signing entitlements Xcode?

An app stores its entitlements as key-value pairs embedded in the code signature of its binary executable. You configure entitlements for your app by declaring capabilities for a target in Xcode. Xcode records capabilities that you add in a property list file with the . entitlements extension.

I grappled with this issue for an hour, and finally found a fix. Turned out the Development Team was different in ProjectTarget and ProjectTests.

Restarting Xcode was what worked for me.

I found out the problem. The app I created on developer.apple.com does not include inter-app-audio. The project entitlements plist file on Xcode has inter-app-audio set to YES (by default). Once I changed the setting on my app configuration on developer.apple.com to enable the inter-app-audio. Then my app runs on my devices. I guess that is apple's new rule to make your app settings consistent on both developer.apple.com and your xcode project setting.

I was able to fix this by toggling on/off "Game Center" entitlement in Xcode 5 :-)

No solution worked for me until I've checked and set app Tests target to same provisioning profile as main app. Or if you are using automatic singing make sure you have same team selected in Tests target.