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fatal error: malformed or corrupted AST file - Xcode





Had same problem. Clearing derived data folder solved the issue for me. In Xcode, go to Window->Organizer->Projects, select your project, and press the "Delete..." button next to "Derived data".

If this doesn't work, you can try to do a Product->Clean (Cmd+Shift+k).

Press Command + shift + k or clean the project and then run project...

In Xcode select Product-->Clean problem will be solved

By default Library folder is hidden in Mac. Best way to navigate to that folder is :

  1. Open Finder
  2. Select Go from menu -> Select "Go to folder"
  3. Type : /Users/"your user name"/Library/Developer/xcode

This will open direct xcode folder inside hidden library folder.

  1. Select "DerivedData" folder
  2. Command + A, select all and delete them.
  3. Open Simulator and "Reset Content and Settings".

Now run XCode again, all will fix.

I had the same issue, solved it by cleaning the project.

Product-> Clean

or press
