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Unable to fix signing identity issue on Xcode

People also ask

How do I enable signing in Xcode?

Open the project using Xcode. Select the root project directory, and go to the Signing and Capabilities tab. Here, you can either check Automatically manage signing or do the signing manually. If you check the Automatically manage signing checkbox, then you will just need to select the Team from the drop-down list.

What is code signing identity in Xcode?

What is Code Signing Identity? As per Apple, it's their security mechanism, which is used for authenticating identity. It assures users that the applications are trustworthy, and they are created by an Apple authorized source, and it hasn't tampered.

It's a propagation server issue. Wait approximately 10 minutes and it will be fixed.

For me to solve this problem I had to login to http://itunesconnect.apple.com. There was a yellow banner that kindof told me what to do. I had to go to Contracts, Tax, and Banking and setup the contracts there.

In my case the solution was:

  1. Xcode: Preferences / Accounts / View Details...;
  2. Click refresh (bottom left);
  3. "Certificate Not Found" box pops-up with

"Your Mac Development Certificate for “your name” was not found on the Member Center. Xcode can submit a certificate signing request on your behalf. Would you like Xcode to do so now?

  1. Click Request and tick all certificates in the next screen;
  2. 15 sec of waiting and the issue fixed.

In my case none of the answers worked - olegiv's answer came close but given that in Xcode7 Apple has removed the refresh button, that wasn't an option either.

Instead, downloading all provisioning profiles again worked: Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> View Details -> Download All

Struggled with this for a while, hope that helps.

What worked for me (after accepting the agreement) was removing my apple ID from the account list in Xcode and adding it back in.