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TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from server

I have updated visual studio 2012 last night, this was Visual Studio 2012 Update 4. It was working fine before but now i am unable to connect with tfs server. Please let me know what i am doing wrong?

This is the error:

    TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from server     https://myServer.visualstudio.com/defaultcollection.
Technical information (for administrator):
  Unable to connect to the remote server
like image 656
Sami Avatar asked Dec 30 '13 15:12


People also ask

How do I connect to Team Foundation Server?

Select Add Server to connect to a project in Team Foundation Server. Enter the URL to your TFS server and select Add. Select a project from the list and select Connect.

How do I enable Team Foundation in Excel?

From the Excel File menu, choose Options. Choose Add-ins and from the Manage picklist, choose COM Add-ins, and then choose Go. Make sure that a check is placed in the Team Foundation Add-in checkbox. Restart Excel.

How do I open Team Foundation Server in Visual Studio 2022?

Follow below steps to add the TFS server: Manage Connections -> Connect to a project option in the Team Explorer (use View -> Team Explorer if not available) and connect to the project. Click Add Azure DevOps Server, input tfs server URL and choose Add.

What replaced Team Foundation Server?

Team Foundation Server rebranded to Azure DevOps Server.

2 Answers

try clearing your cache folder?

C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation

TFS3 is VS2010, TFS4 is VS2012, TFS5 is VS2013

Stop all instances of Visual Studio.

Zip/Rar all the files as a backup, then delete all files except for the backup zip/rar.

Restart Visual Studio and it will recreate all the files and you should be able to connect as shown here:

enter image description here

like image 193
timB33 Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 11:10


I followed this steps to get rid of this issue:

  1. Close all instances of Visual Studio.
  2. Open the Task Manager and check if any TFS Services are running. Select each of them and click on End Process Tree.
  3. Browse to the folder below and delete all the contents and folders in

    %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache 

    and in

    %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\5.0\Cache
  4. Restart Visual Studio and try triggering build.

  5. If you are switching from one version of TFS to another, you may require repeating this solution again. If you are using older version of TFS, you may have to navigate to

%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\ and find out the version folder instead of navigating directly. It would be TFS3 if using VS2010, TFS4 if using VS2012, TFS5 if using VS2013.

Source: TF400324: Team Foundation Services are not available from server

like image 21
Amadeus Sánchez Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 11:10

Amadeus Sánchez