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Testing that Sidekiq received correct delayed job

Inside of my User model I'm calling a delayed method:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  def self.import_items
    User.delay.keep_only_user_cars(1) # "1" is just for testing

And I'm trying to test it like so (using rspec-sidekiq gem):

expect(Sidekiq::Extensions::DelayedClass).to have_enqueued_job("keep_only_user_cars", 1)     

This is what I get:

Failure/Error: expect(Sidekiq::Extensions::DelayedClass).to have_enqueued_job("keep_only_user_cars", 1)
  expected to have an enqueued Sidekiq::Extensions::DelayedClass job with arguments ["keep_only_user_cars", 1] but none found
  found: [["---\n- !ruby/class 'User'\n- :keep_only_user_cars\n- - 1\n"]]

Which basically works, just has a bit different formatting.

How do I fix this test to make sure that Sidekiq received exactly this method with exactly this attribute?

like image 543
Serge Vinogradoff Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 23:03

Serge Vinogradoff

1 Answers

According to the docs, the delay extensions send the entire object in redis, not just the values. If you want to test for that object, you'd need to use YAML.dump(object):

expected = YAML.dump([User,:keep_only_user_cars,1])
expect(Sidekiq::Extensions::DelayedClass).to have_enqueued_job(expected)
like image 191
Peter Brown Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 10:03

Peter Brown