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What's causing this error? ActionView::Template::Error: ActionController::Metal#session delegated to @_request.session, but @_request is nil

In /app/models/review.rb, I have the a method that's designed to create a PDF from the output of the review#print action. Also designed to capture my entire print stylesheet and inline it in the header when I'm in production mode:

def create_pdf
  snip # code that sets @competitors, @elements & @questions
  css = Rails.application.assets.find_asset('print').to_s if Rails.env.production?
  html = ActionController::Base.new.render_to_string "reviews/print", :locals => {:@review => self, :@competitors => @competitors, :@elements => @elements, :@questions => @questions, :@css => css}      
  pdf = HyPDF.new(html, :test => true)
  upload = pdf.upload_to_s3("Testivate", [self.id, "_", Time.now.full_time, ".pdf"].join.downcase.gsub(" ", "_"), true)
  self.update_attribute :latest_url, upload
  return html.to_s.truncate(300) # for debugging -- so I can see <head>

I have tried many variants of this code, including passing :layouts => false and more to render.

My reviews_controller.rb contains:

class ReviewsController < ApplicationController  
  respond_to :html
  filter_access_to :all
  layout "print", :only => [:print, :pdf]
  def print
    snip # code that sets @review, @competitors, @elements @questions

My app/views/reviews/print.html.haml contains:

    %title Testivate
    - if @css.present?
      = content_tag(:style, @css.html_safe, :type => "text/css")
    - else
      = stylesheet_link_tag "print", :media => "print, screen, projection"

Why, then, do I get the following error when I call @review.create_pdf?

Rendered reviews/print.html.haml (366.3ms)
ActionView::Template::Error: ActionController::Metal#session delegated to @_request.session, but @_request is nil: 
@_lookup_context=#<ActionView::LookupContext:0x00000002bec560 @details_key=#<ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsKey:0x000000096296a8 @hash=-2527668597365468702>,
@details={:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :haml]}, @skip_default_locale=false, @cache=true, @prefixes=["action_controller/base"],
@view_paths=#<ActionView::PathSet:0x00000002bec4c0 @paths=[/app/app/views, /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/declarative_authorization-0.5.7/app/views]>>,
@lookup_context=#<ActionView::LookupContext:0x00000002bec560 @details_key=#<ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsKey:0x000000096296a8 @hash=-2527668597365468702>, 
@details={:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :haml]}, @skip_default_locale=false, 
@paths=[/app/app/views, /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/declarative_authorization-0.5.7/app/views]>>, @_template_renderer=#<ActionView::TemplateRenderer:0x00000009637870 @lookup_context=#<ActionView::LookupContext:0x00000002bec560 
@details_key=#<ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsKey:0x000000096296a8 @hash=-2527668597365468702>, 
@details={:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :haml]}, @skip_default_locale=false, 
@paths=[/app/app/views, /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/declarative_authorization-0.5.7/app/views]>>, @view=#<#<Class:0x00000002be4950>:0x000000096da390 
@view_renderer=#<ActionView::Renderer:0x00000002be4a18 ...>, 
@_routes=nil, @_assigns={"_routes"=>nil}, 
@_controller=#<ActionController::Base:0x00000002bffd40 ...>, 
@view_flow=#<ActionView::OutputFlow:0x000000096da200 @content={}>, @output_buffer="", 
@competitors=[#<Competitor id: 56, etc etc...>, @css="html,body,div,span,applet,object,iframe,etc ... (which is the css reset at the start of my stylseheet) ...on:none}\n", 


I tried creating the method from a Controller action on Review, rather than a class method, but I got the same ActionView::Template::Error: error.

Update 2:

The view code as requested to check it's not trying to access session:

(I don't think it is.)

    %title Testivate
    - if @css.present?
      = content_tag(:style, @css.html_safe, :type => "text/css")
    - else
      = stylesheet_link_tag "print", :media => "print, screen, projection"
    = csrf_meta_tag
    = analytics_init if Rails.env.production?
        =image_tag "Testivate-logo.svg", :width => "300"
      %h1#first Confidential Competitive Website Review & Benchmark
        =image_tag @review.owner_logo.url
      %p Review conducted for #{@review.client_name}.
      %h1 Research overview
      %p The methodology that drives this research is #{@review.product.full_name}.
      = raw @review.product.description
      %p Between #{@review.created_at.full_date} and #{@review.updated_at.full_date}, Testivate tested and compared #{pluralize @review.competitors.count, "website"}:
      - @competitors.sort{|c| c.name <=> c.name}.each do |competitor|
          = image_tag competitor.logo.url(:thumb)
          %h4 #{competitor.name}
          %h4 #{competitor.url}
      %h1 Results summary
      %p #{pluralize @review.winners.count, "entrant"} led the review group with a score of #{@review.top_score}: #{@review.winners.map{|w| w.name}.join("; ")}.
            %th.not_controls Website
            %th Score
            %th.not_controls Website
            %th Score
          - @competitors.each_slice(2).each do |competitor_pair|
              %td.not_controls= competitor_pair.first.name
              %td.not_controls= competitor_pair.first.current_score
                - unless competitor_pair.count == 1
                  = competitor_pair.last.name 
                - unless competitor_pair.count == 1
                  = competitor_pair.last.current_score 
      %h1 Tested website elements
      %p The research involve testing #{pluralize @elements.count, "element"}:
            %th Element:
            - @elements.each do |element|
              %th= element.name
          - @competitors.each do |competitor|
              %td.first= competitor.name
              - @elements.each do |element|
                %td.not_controls= competitor.element_score(element)
      %h1 Website testing standards
      %p The research involve testing #{pluralize Standard.all.count, "standard"}:
            %th Standard:
            - Standard.all.each do |standard|
              %th= standard.name
          - @competitors.each do |competitor|
              %td.first= competitor.name
              - Standard.all.each do |standard|
                %td.not_controls= competitor.standard_score(standard)
    - @questions.each do |question|
        %h1 Question details
        %h3= question.name
        %p Standard: #{question.standard.try(:name)}
        %p Element: #{question.element.try(:name)}
              %th Competitor
              %th Score
              %th Explanation
            - @competitors.each do |competitor|
                %td.first= competitor.name
                %td.not_controls= competitor.current_score_for_question(question)
                %td.not_controls= competitor.explanation_for_score_for_question(question)
        - unless question.endmatter.blank?
          %h3 References
          %p To understand more about how this question was scored or how to fix any problems that were uncovered, consult the following references:
          = raw question.endmatter
like image 933
steven_noble Avatar asked Mar 24 '23 02:03


1 Answers

As Feckmore said, the problem usually comes from csrf_meta_tag inclusion at Layout.

like image 159
dolarsrg Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 02:04
