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Why is my scope getting cached?

I have a scope that looks as follows:

scope :top, order('score DESC')

It's used as follows in my controller:

def top
  @users = User.top
  render "list"

Now, it seems that this scope is getting cached for no reason at all. If I load the top page, add a user and reload it, the user does not appear in the list.

If I do this however:

def top
  @users = User.order('score DESC')
  render "list"

The results don't get cached. What is happening here? I'm using Ruby 2.0.0 and Rails 4.0.0

like image 983
BvdBijl Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 22:03


1 Answers

I think if you use a lambda, then it should not get cached:

scope :top, lambda { order('score DESC') }

But then again, I'm not that familiar with the new Rails 4 scope caching.

like image 143
Christoph Eicke Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 23:03

Christoph Eicke