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TestFlight: Testers are not getting notified of new builds



Since Apple moved to their new and improved TestFlight website, none of my internal or external users are receiving push notifications or emails when I make a new build available for testing.

These are testers who previously were getting push and emails with each new build.

If the tester goes to the TestFlight app on their device, they do see the new build is available for update there.

I see a couple threads about this in the Apple Developer forums but nobody seems to know how to work around this problem:



Anyone here found a workaround for this problem?

like image 834
boozedog Avatar asked Apr 18 '17 12:04


1 Answers

when submitting a build for beta approval, uncheck 'automatically notify' in lower left corner. then after beta is approved for external testing, click 'notify testers' in upper right corner. if i recall next time i do this, i'll include screenshots.

this solution is from @boozedog, it fixed the issue for me, and i am submitting @boozedog's comments as an answer. the text of his comment: " The Automatically Notify checkbox appears in the bottom left of the dialog box when you submit the build to beta approval on the iTunes Connect website. Make sure you clear that checkbox. And then, after the beta approval is complete, go back in to that build in iTunes Connect website and you should see an action button in the top right corner "Notify Testers." "

like image 118
tmr Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 03:10
