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Distribution Provision Profile doesn't include signing certificate iPhone Developer xxxx xxxx

I am trying to create a distribution profile. From scratch I deleted every certificate at KeyChain. I removed all provision profile using terminal method. I closed my Xcode. Then I followed this link to create the distribution certificate and profiles. I followed the step correctly and I got the following results. I keep getting "No signing certificate"IOS development found" Please help.


I then created the Development certificate following this link and now I get different certificates name for Development and Distribution. My error is Distribution Provision Profile doesn't include signing certificate iPhone Developer xxxx xxxx

Please help, thanks.


Pic 1

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After creating the development profile

After creating the development profile

Why is my certificate different name for development and distribution, I followed the steps to create certificate. Why is it different name?

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like image 326
Hanz Cheah Avatar asked Apr 23 '18 10:04

Hanz Cheah

2 Answers


On BuildSettings make sure you pick "IOS Distribution" instead of "IOS DEVELOPER" in the "Code Signing Identity" dropdown:

enter image description here

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Fidel Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10


You have the certificate and provisioning profile for iOS Distribution. You are trying to do a build for development (building to a test device), which will require you to generate a certificate and profile for iOS Development. Follow the steps you did, but when you need to specificy what the certificate is for, choose iOS Development. Also, when you create the provisioning profile, select iOS Development. It is actually the next article on the site you were using: http://lessons.livecode.com/m/4069/l/308242-how-do-i-create-a-development-profile-for-ios

The iOS Distribution certificate / profile will be used when you want to submit to Apple for testing through TestFlight, or for distribution in the App Store, so don't worry about deleting those.

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wottle Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 21:10
