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terraform: filter list of maps based on key

I'm implementing a security group modules such that it will create security group rules by taking & filtering cidr & source_security_group_id to create a security group rule.

The current module configuration.


resource "aws_security_group" "this" {
  name                   = var.name
  description            = var.description
  vpc_id                 = var.vpc_id
  revoke_rules_on_delete = var.revoke_rules_on_delete

## CIDR Rule

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "cidr_rule" {
  count = length(var.security_group_rules)

  type              = var.security_group_rules[count.index].type
  from_port         = var.security_group_rules[count.index].from_port
  to_port           = var.security_group_rules[count.index].to_port
  protocol          = var.security_group_rules[count.index].protocol
  cidr_blocks       = var.security_group_rules[count.index].cidr_block
  description       = var.security_group_rules[count.index].description
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.this.id

## Source_security_group_id Rule

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "source_sg_id_rule" {
  count = length(var.security_group_rules)

  type              = var.security_group_rules[count.index].type
  from_port         = var.security_group_rules[count.index].from_port
  to_port           = var.security_group_rules[count.index].to_port
  protocol          = var.security_group_rules[count.index].protocol
  source_security_group_id = var.security_group_rules[count.index].source_security_group_id
  description       = var.security_group_rules[count.index].description
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.this.id


module "sample_sg" {
  source            = "./modules/aws_security_group"
  name              = "test-sg"
  vpc_id            = "vpc-xxxxxx"

  security_group_rules = [
    { type = "ingress", from_port = 22, to_port = 22, protocol = "tcp", cidr_block = [var.vpc_cidr], description = "ssh" },
    { type = "ingress", from_port = 80, to_port = 80, protocol = "tcp", cidr_block = [var.vpc_cidr], description = "http" },
    { type = "ingress", from_port = 0, to_port = 0, protocol = "-1", source_sg_id = "sg-xxxx", description = "allow all" }
    { type = "egress",  from_port = 0, to_port = 0, protocol = "-1", source_sg_id = "sg-xxxx", description = "allow all" }

So, the problem statement here is when I call the security group rules in the module with the above list of maps, it should check if it is source_sg_id or cidr.

Then filter those maps & pass it to respective resources in the module.


module ""{

  security_group_rules = [
    { type = "ingress", from_port = 22, to_port = 22, protocol = "tcp", cidr_block = [var.vpc_cidr], description = "ssh" },
    { type = "ingress", from_port = 0, to_port = 65535, protocol = "-1", source_sg_id = "sg-xxxx", description = "allow all" }

These rules should be looked up & pass the first one to CIDR rule & second one to Source_security_group_id rule.

I'm thinking of making it as below

locals {

  sid_rules = some_function{var.security_group_rules, "source_security_group_id"}
  cidr_rules = some_function{var.security_group_rules, "cidr"}

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "cidr_rule" {
  count = count(local.cidr_rules)

  cidr_blocks       = local.cidr_rules[count.index].cidr_block

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "sid_rule" {
  count = count(local.sid_rules)

  source_security_group_id  = local.sid_rules[count.index].source_sg_id

So, I'm looking for a way to filter the maps from list based on a key

I have tried lookup but was no help in case of list of string.

like image 208
Arvin Avatar asked Jan 29 '21 14:01


People also ask

Are terraform maps ordered?

The important thing here is that, as you've noticed, Terraform's map type is an unordered map which identifies elements only by their keys, not by permission. Therefore if you have a situation where you need to preserve the order of a sequence then a map is not a suitable data structure to use.

What is filter terraform?

Filtering in Terraform can be achieved using for loop expressions. Though for loop constructs in terraform performs looping, it can also be used for manipulating data structures such as the following to name a few: Transform: Changing the data structure.

3 Answers

I figured out a clever way to do this.

Let's say I am trying to filter only the pets that are cats kind = "cat" from a list of pets.

variable "pets" {
  type = list(object({
    name = string
    kind = string
  default = [
      name = "Fido"
      kind = "dog"
      name = "Max"
      kind = "dog"
      name = "Milo"
      kind = "cat"
      name = "Simba"
      kind = "cat"
  1. First convert the list of pets to a map pets_map of pets using the index tostring(i) as the key. This will be used in step 3 to lookup the filtered pets.
locals {
  pets_map = { for i, pet in var.pets : tostring(i) => pet }
  1. Next create a filtered list of the keys that respectively matches the condition pet.kind == "cat" by looping over the keys in the pets_map and setting the respective keys that do not match to an empty string. Then compact the list which removes the empty strings from the list.
locals {
  cats_keys = compact([for i, pet in local.pets_map : pet.kind == "cat" ? i : ""])
  1. Loop over the filtered keys cats_keys and lookup the respective pet from the pets_map. Now you have the filtered list of pets that are cats kind = "cat".
locals {
  cats     = [for key in local.cats_keys : lookup(local.pets_map, key)]

You can now access the cats with local.cats, which will give you the following map.

  name = "Milo"
  kind = "cat"
  name = "Simba"
  kind = "cat"

Below is the full example.

variable "pets" {
  type = list(object({
    name = string
    kind = string
  default = [
      name = "Fido"
      kind = "dog"
      name = "Max"
      kind = "dog"
      name = "Milo"
      kind = "cat"
      name = "Simba"
      kind = "cat"

locals {
  pets_map = { for i, pet in var.pets : tostring(i) => pet }
  cats_keys = compact([for i, pet in local.pets_map : pet.kind == "cat" ? i : ""])
  cats     = [for key in local.cats_keys : lookup(local.pets_map, key)]
like image 197
Clay Risser Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 05:11

Clay Risser

Consider creating another module to handle the rules, and setting the security group resources inside that module.

module "security_groups" {
  count             = length(var.security_group_rules)
  source_sg_id_rule = var.security_group_rules[count.index].source_sg_id_rule

Then, in the new module, use a count statement as a test to create optional items:

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "source_sg_id_rule" {
    count = length(var.source_sg_id_rule) == 0 ? 0 : 1

    type              = var.type
    from_port         = var.from_port
    to_port           = var.to_port
    protocol          = var.protocol
    source_security_group_id = var.source_security_group_id
    description       = var.description
    security_group_id = var.security_group_id

This will create the resources as an array of one or zero items, and drop any lists of zero.

like image 44
Dan Monego Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 05:11

Dan Monego

Thanks for the response @dan-monego.

I sorted it out with single module itslef.

Following is the module file.


# Security group

resource "aws_security_group" "this" {
  name                   = var.name
  description            = var.description
  vpc_id                 = var.vpc_id
  revoke_rules_on_delete = var.revoke_rules_on_delete

  tags = merge(
      "Name" = format("%s", var.name)

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "cidr" {
  count = var.create ? length(var.cidr_sg_rules) : 0

  type              = var.cidr_sg_rules[count.index].type
  from_port         = var.cidr_sg_rules[count.index].from
  to_port           = var.cidr_sg_rules[count.index].to
  protocol          = var.cidr_sg_rules[count.index].protocol
  cidr_blocks       = var.cidr_sg_rules[count.index].cidr
  description       = var.cidr_sg_rules[count.index].description
  security_group_id = local.this_sg_id

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "source_sg" {
  count = var.create ? length(var.source_sg_rules) : 0

  type                     = var.source_sg_rules[count.index].type
  from_port                = var.source_sg_rules[count.index].from
  to_port                  = var.source_sg_rules[count.index].to
  protocol                 = var.source_sg_rules[count.index].protocol
  source_security_group_id = var.source_sg_rules[count.index].source_sg_id
  description              = var.source_sg_rules[count.index].description
  security_group_id        = local.this_sg_id
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "self" {
  count = var.create ? length(var.self_sg_rules) : 0

  self              = true
  type              = var.source_sg_rules[count.index].type
  from_port         = var.source_sg_rules[count.index].from
  to_port           = var.source_sg_rules[count.index].to
  protocol          = var.source_sg_rules[count.index].protocol
  description       = var.source_sg_rules[count.index].description
  security_group_id = local.this_sg_id

Call it using following module block.


module "stack_sg" {
  source            = "./modules/aws_security_group"
  name                = "stack-sg"

  vpc_id = module.network.vpc_id

  cidr_sg_rules = [
    { type = "ingress", from = 80, to = 80, protocol = "tcp",  cidr = [module.network.vpc_cidr], description = "http" },
    { type = "egress", from = 0, to = 65535, protocol = "-1",  cidr = [""], description = "allow all " }

  source_sg_rules = [
    { type = "ingress", from = 0, to = 65535, protocol = "tcp", source_sg_id = module.alb_sg.sg_id, description = "alb" }
like image 41
Arvin Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 05:11
