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Terraform combine 2 variables into a new variable

I want to automate deployments of Vmware VM's in an landscape with lots of portgroups. To be able to select the correct portgroup it would be best to enter 2 variables tenant and environment. These 2 variables are used for CMDB registration and deployment purposes.

For the deployment the variables need to be combined in to 1 new variable to pick the correct portgroup. Due to interpolation syntax it seems to be impossible to use 2 combined variables in the lookup.

How can I combine 2 variables to 1 in Terraform?

I also tried to make a local file with the correct string, but that file needs to exist before the script starts, terraform plan gives a error message that the file doesn't exist.

variable "tenant" {
  description = "tenant: T1 or T2"

variable "environment" {
  description = "environment: PROD or TEST"

variable "vm_network" {
  description = "network the VM will be provisioned with"
  type = "map"
  default = {
    T1_PROD = "T1-PROD-network"
    T2_PROD = "T2-PROD-network"
    T1_TEST = "T1-TEST-network"
    T2_TEST = "T2-TEST-network"

data "vsphere_network" "network" {
  name          = "${lookup(var.vm_network, tenant_environment)}"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"
like image 707
Dennis Avatar asked May 13 '18 12:05


People also ask

How do you combine two variables in terraform?

For Terraform 0.12 and later, you can use the join() function, to allow you to join or concatenate strings in your Terraform plans. The terraform join function has two inputs, the separator character and a list of strings we wish to join together.

How do you assign a value to a variable in terraform?

Additionally, input variable values can also be set using Terraform environment variables. To do so, simply set the environment variable in the format TF_VAR_<variable name> . The variable name part of the format is the same as the variables declared in the variables.tf file.

1 Answers

Off the top of my head I can think of three different ways to merge the variables to use as a lookup key:

variable "tenant" {}
variable "environment" {}

variable "vm_network" {
  default = {
    T1_PROD = "T1-PROD-network"
    T2_PROD = "T2-PROD-network"
    T1_TEST = "T1-TEST-network"
    T2_TEST = "T2-TEST-network"

locals {
  tenant_environment = "${var.tenant}_${var.environment}"

output "local_network" {
  value = "${lookup(var.vm_network, local.tenant_environment)}"

output "format_network" {
  value = "${lookup(var.vm_network, format("%s_%s", var.tenant, var.environment))}"

output "lookup_network" {
  value = "${lookup(var.vm_network, "${var.tenant}_${var.environment}")}"

The first option uses locals to create a variable that is interpolated already and can be easily reused in multiple places which can't be done directly with variables in Terraform/HCL. This is generally the best way to do variable combination/interpolation in later versions of Terraform (they were introduced in Terraform 0.10.3).

The second option uses the format function to create a string containing the tenant and environment variables.

The last one is a little funny looking but is valid HCL. I'd probably shy away from using that syntax if possible.

like image 57
ydaetskcoR Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 16:10
