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Term to represent all possible values of a variable

Is there a term to represent a set of all possible values a variable can assume?

In mathematics a domain of a function is a set of values a function is defined on (function can take as an argument).


  • A variable of type UInt16 can hold values in range [0-65536).
  • Completion status (represented by a double value) can hold a value in range [0-100].
  • Gender (represented by an Enum) can hold one of { Male, Female }.

What is a term to describe all possible values a variable can (contextually) assume?

Basically need a short version of "set of values for a variable". I have seen term type being used to describe such a range, but Type often encompasses other bits of information (e.g. a name, operations, module).

like image 747
THX-1138 Avatar asked Apr 28 '09 16:04


People also ask

What do you call the set of all possible values of a variable?

The set of all possible values of the independent variables (x) in a function is called domain. The set of all possible values of the idependent variables (y) in a function. A graph of a function can be used to find its domain.

What is the term given to the variable?

A variable is a symbolic name for (or reference to) information. The variable's name represents what information the variable contains. They are called variables because the represented information can change but the operations on the variable remain the same.

2 Answers

  • value set
  • domain
  • value range
like image 59
Adam Robinson Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10

Adam Robinson

I've also heard "value space" as a term for this.

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Lasse V. Karlsen Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10

Lasse V. Karlsen