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Custom Variable Types Lua




I am looking for a library/function in lua that allows you to have custom variable types (even be detected as your custom type using the "type" method). I'm trying to make a json encoder/decoder that has the custom type "json." I want a solution that can be done in lua alone.

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Potassium Ion Avatar asked Oct 13 '13 18:10

Potassium Ion

People also ask

How do you type a variable in Lua?

In Lua, there is a function called 'type' that enables us to know the type of the variable. Some examples are given in the following code. By default, all the variables will point to nil until they are assigned a value or initialized. In Lua, zero and empty strings are considered to be true in case of condition checks.

What are the correct data types in Lua?

There are eight basic types in Lua: nil, boolean, number, string, function, userdata, thread, and table. Nil is the type of the value nil, whose main property is to be different from any other value; it usually represents the absence of a useful value. Boolean is the type of the values false and true.

Is Lua dynamically typed?

Lua is a dynamically typed language. There are no type definitions in the language; each value carries its own type.

What is %f Lua?

In Lua, the following are the available string formatting syntax or string literals for different datatypes: %s : This serves as a placeholder for string values in a formatted string. %d : This will stand in for integer numbers. %f : This is the string literal for float values.

1 Answers

You cannot create new Lua types, but you can mimick their creation to a good extent using metatables and tables. For example:

local frobnicator_metatable = {}
frobnicator_metatable.__index = frobnicator_metatable

function frobnicator_metatable.ToString( self )
    return "Frobnicator object\n"
        .. "  field1 = " .. tostring( self.field1 ) .. "\n"
        .. "  field2 = " .. tostring( self.field2 )

local function NewFrobnicator( arg1, arg2 )
    local obj = { field1 = arg1, field2 = arg2 }
    return setmetatable( obj, frobnicator_metatable )

local original_type = type  -- saves `type` function
-- monkey patch type function
type = function( obj )
    local otype = original_type( obj )
    if  otype == "table" and getmetatable( obj ) == frobnicator_metatable then
        return "frobnicator"
    return otype

local x = NewFrobnicator()
local y = NewFrobnicator( 1, "hello" )

print( x )
print( y )
print( "----" )
print( "The type of x is: " .. type(x) )
print( "The type of y is: " .. type(y) )
print( "----" )
print( x:ToString() )
print( y:ToString() )
print( "----" )
print( type( "hello!" ) )  -- just to see it works as usual
print( type( {} ) )  -- just to see it works as usual


table: 004649D0
table: 004649F8
The type of x is: frobnicator
The type of y is: frobnicator
Frobnicator object
  field1 = nil
  field2 = nil
Frobnicator object
  field1 = 1
  field2 = hello

Of course the example is simplistic and there are more things to say about object oriented programming in Lua. You may find the following references useful:

  • Lua WIKI OOP index page.
  • Lua WIKI page: Object Orientation Tutorial.
  • Chapter on OOP of Programming in Lua. It is the first book edition, so it is focused on Lua 5.0, but the core material still applies.
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Lorenzo Donati -- Codidact.com Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 07:09

Lorenzo Donati -- Codidact.com