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Tensorflow Dataset.from_tensor_slices taking too long

I have the following code:

data = np.load("data.npy")
print(data) # Makes sure the array gets loaded in memory
dataset = tf.contrib.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((data))

The file "data.npy" is 3.3 GB. Reading the file with numpy takes a couple of seconds but then the next line that creates the tensorflow dataset object takes ages to execute. Why is that? What is it doing under the hood?

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niko Avatar asked Oct 20 '17 19:10


1 Answers

Quoting this answer:

np.load of a npz just returns a file loader, not the actual data. It's a 'lazy loader', loading the particular array only when accessed.

That is why it is fast.

Edit 1: to expand a bit more this answer, another quote from tensorflow's documentation:

If all of your input data fit in memory, the simplest way to create a Dataset from them is to convert them to tf.Tensor objects and use Dataset.from_tensor_slices().

This works well for a small dataset, but wastes memory---because the contents of the array will be copied multiple times---and can run into the 2GB limit for the tf.GraphDef protocol buffer.

The link also shows how to do it a efficiently.

like image 191
Julio Daniel Reyes Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 00:10

Julio Daniel Reyes