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New posts in tensorflow-datasets

tensorflow Dataset shuffle behavior on Iterator reset

How can I return the same batch twice from a tensorflow dataset iterator?

Does `tf.data.Dataset.map` preserve the input order?

Mapping text data through huggingface tokenizer

I get an error when importing tensorflow_datasets

Does the tf.data.Dataset support to generate dictionary structure?

How to pad to fixed BATCH_SIZE in tf.data.Dataset?

Tensorflow Dataset API with HDFS

iterator.get_next() cause terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error

Tensorflow - String processing in Dataset API

How to speed up batch preparation when using Estimators API combined with tf.data.Dataset

retrieving the next element from tf.data.Dataset in tensorflow 2.0 beta

How to create tf.data.dataset from directories of tfrecords?

TensorFlow DataSet `from_generator` with variable batch size