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Templating using new RazorEngine API




Some time ago rendering a template using RazorEngine was as easy as:

string s = RazorEngine.Razor.Parse() 

However, for some reason, its authors changed their minds about the API and now the simplest way to render a template is:

var key = new RazorEngine.Templating.NameOnlyTemplateKey("EmailTemplate", RazorEngine.Templating.ResolveType.Global, null); RazorEngine.Engine.Razor.AddTemplate(key, new RazorEngine.Templating.LoadedTemplateSource("Ala ma kota")); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb); RazorEngine.Engine.Razor.RunCompile(key, sw); string s = sb.ToString(); 

(at least this is what I deduced from the new API. Old one is marked as deprecated.) Is there a way to use new API to render a template without caching, keys and other fancy stuff? All official examples simply doesn't work.

like image 731
Spook Avatar asked Feb 19 '15 12:02


2 Answers

Well, after searching the code, I found some useful examples (https://github.com/Antaris/RazorEngine/blob/master/src/source/RazorEngine.Hosts.Console/Program.cs) and found out that if you include

using RazorEngine.Templating; 

at the top of your class, you can use some extension methods (https://github.com/Antaris/RazorEngine/blob/master/src/source/RazorEngine.Core/Templating/RazorEngineServiceExtensions.cs) that will help you.

Painless template compilation :

Engine.Razor.Compile(templatePath, "templateNameInTheCache", modelType); 

Template Parsing :

Engine.Razor.Run("templateNameInTheCache", modelType, model); 

And now you can do both at the same time !

string myParsedTemplate = Engine.Razor.RunCompile(templatePath, "templateNameInTheCache", null, model) 

Which is the equivalent of doing this

Engine.Razor.AddTemplate("templateNameInTheCache", TemplateLoader.GetTemplate(templatePath)); Engine.Razor.Compile("templateNameInTheCache", modelType); string finallyThisIsMyParsedTemplate = Engine.Razor.Run("templateNameInTheCache", modelType); 

Please note that I'm currently testing this, but it seems to work fine.

like image 190
JJP Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09


The following code works for ResolvePathTemplateManager (October, 2017):

var templateManager = new ResolvePathTemplateManager(new[] { rootPath });  var config = new TemplateServiceConfiguration {     TemplateManager = templateManager };  Engine.Razor = RazorEngineService.Create(config);  // ...  var html = Engine.Razor.RunCompile("Test.cshtml", null, model); 

Source: in RazorEngineServiceTestFixture.cs, look for ResolvePathTemplateManager.

like image 39
turdus-merula Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
