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Why is there both a System.Net.Http and System.Web.Http namespace?





Just a simple question as I'm studying the various class libraries available in .NET. I noticed that there's a System.Net.Http namespace and a System.Web.Http namespace.

  • What purpose(s) do both namespaces serve?
  • What were the motivations for creating two seemingly ambiguous namespaces?
  • Is there any history I should know about or is one of the namespaces "deprecated"?

System.Net.Http, System.Web.Http

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Alexander Trauzzi Avatar asked Feb 10 '14 00:02

Alexander Trauzzi

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The System. Net. Http namespace is designed to provide the following: HTTP client components that allow users to consume modern web services over HTTP.

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1 Answers

System.Net.Http is for client-side HTTP programming. System.Web.Http is for server-side HTTP programming.

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Max Toro Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Max Toro