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Templates don't always guess initializer list types

#include <initializer_list>
#include <utility>

void foo(std::initializer_list<std::pair<int,int>>) {}
template <class T> void bar(T) {}

int main() {
    foo({{0,1}});  //This works
    foo({{0,1},{1,2}});  //This works
    bar({{0,1}});  //This warns
    bar({{0,1},{1,2}});  //This fails
    bar(std::initializer_list<std::pair<int,int>>({{0,1},{1,2}}));  //This works

This doesn't compile in gcc 4.5.3, it gives a warning for the marked line saying deducing ‘T’ as ‘std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<int> >’ and an error for the marked line saying no matching function for call to ‘bar(<brace-enclosed initializer list>)’. Why can gcc deduce the type of the first call to bar but not the second, and is there a way to fix this other than long and ugly casting?

like image 887
m42a Avatar asked Oct 08 '11 21:10


2 Answers

GCC according to C++11 cannot deduce the type for either first two calls to bar. It warns because it implements an extension to C++11.

The Standard says that when a function argument in a call to a function template is a { ... } and the parameter is not initializer_list<X> (optionally a reference parameter), that then the parameter's type cannot be deduced by the {...}. If the parameter is such a initializer_list<X>, then the elements of the initializer list are deduced independently by comparing against X, and each of the deductions of the elements have to match.

template<typename T>
void f(initializer_list<T>);

int main() {
  f({1, 2}); // OK
  f({1, {2}}); // OK
  f({{1}, {2}}); // NOT OK
  f({1, 2.0}); // NOT OK

In this example, the first is OK, and the second is OK too because the first element yields type int, and the second element compares {2} against T - this deduction cannot yield a constradiction since it doesn't deduce anything, hence eventually the second call takes T as int. The third cannot deduce T by any element, hence is NOT OK. The last call yields contradicting deductions for two elements.

One way to make this work is to use such a type as parameter type

template <class T> void bar(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<T>> x) {
  // ...

I should note that doing std::initializer_list<U>({...}) is dangerous - better remove those (...) around the braces. In your case it happens to work by accident, but consider

std::initializer_list<int> v({1, 2, 3});
// oops, now 'v' contains dangling pointers - the backing data array is dead!

The reason is that ({1, 2, 3}) calls the copy/move constructor of initializer_list<int> passing it a temporary initializer_list<int> associated with the {1, 2, 3}. That temporary object will then be destroyed and die when the initialization is finished. When that temporary object that is associated with the list dies, the backing-up array holding the data will be destroyed too (if the move is elided, it will live as long as "v"; that's bad, since it would not even behave bad guaranteedly!). By omitting the parens, v is directly associated with the list, and the backing array data is destroyed only when v is destroyed.

like image 189
Johannes Schaub - litb Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 00:10

Johannes Schaub - litb

List initialization relies on knowing what type is being initialized. {1} could mean many things. When applied to an int, it fills it with a 1. When applied to a std::vector<int>, it means to create a one-element vector, with 1 in the first element. And so on.

When you call a template function who's type is completely unconstrained, then there is no type information for list initialization to work with. And without type information, list initialization cannot work.

For example:


You expect this to be of the type std::initializer_list<std::pair<int,int>>. But how could the compiler know that? bar's first parameter is an unconstrained template; it can literally be any type. How could the compiler possibly guess that you meant this specific type?

Quite simply, it can't. Compilers are good, but they're not clairvoyant. List initialization can only work in the presence of type information, and unconstrained templates remove all of that.

By all rights, that line should have failed to compile, according to C++11. It cannot deduce what type you intended the {...} to be, so it should have failed. That looks like a GCC bug or something.

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Nicol Bolas Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 01:10

Nicol Bolas