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Tell Python to wait/pause a 'for' loop




I have a Python program that navigates me to a website with a function that I have defined as nav(a, b), and on this site I will be downloading some pyfits data for use on another script. This site has a different pyfits file for every set of (a,b) in a catalog I have.

I was wondering if I could iterate through this catalog using a for loop, and each time the nav(a, b) function is used, tell python to pause while I download the file, then resume again when I tell it to. I've done something like this in IDL before, but don’t know how with Python.

Otherwise I guess I'm stuck running the program 200 times, replacing the (a, b) values each time, which will take for ever.

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user3715675 Avatar asked Jun 25 '14 13:06


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1 Answers

If you want to wait for a manual signal to continue, wait for the user to press Enter:

Python 2:

raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")

Python 3:

input("Press Enter to continue...")

If you can download the file in the python code, do that instead of doing the manual task for each of the files.

like image 170
Mattias Backman Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10

Mattias Backman