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matplotlib colorbar placement and size

I'm using quadmesh to create a simple polar projection plot. Here's a minimal script which produces basically what I'm trying to do:

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def make_plot(data,fig,subplot):
    nphi,nt = data.shape
    phi_coords = np.linspace(0,np.pi*2,nphi+1) - np.pi/2.
    theta_coords = np.linspace(0,np.radians(35),nt+1)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(subplot,projection='polar')

    theta,phi = np.meshgrid(phi_coords,theta_coords)
    quadmesh = ax.pcolormesh(theta,phi,data)
    return fig,ax

a = np.zeros((360,71)) + np.arange(360)[:,None]
b = np.random.random((360,71))
fig = plt.figure()
t1 = make_plot(a,fig,121)
t2 = make_plot(b,fig,122)

The above script creates a plot which looks like this:

enter image description here

I would like the colorbars to:

  1. Not overlap the 6 label.
  2. be scaled such that they are approximately the same height as the plot.

Is there any trick to make this work properly? (Note that this layout isn't the only one I will be using -- e.g. I might use a 1x2 layout, or a 4x4 layout ... It seems like there should be some way to scale the colorbar to the same height as the associated plot...)

like image 773
mgilson Avatar asked May 22 '13 22:05


People also ask

How do I change the position of the color bar in Matplotlib?

The position of the Matplotlib color bar can be changed according to our choice by using the functions from Matplotlib AxesGrid Toolkit. The placing of inset axes is similar to that of legend, the position is modified by providing location options concerning the parent box. Axes into which the colorbar will be drawn.

How do I reduce the size of the color bar?

To decrease colorbar width in Matplotlib, we can use shrink in colorbar() method.

How do you change the scale Colorbar in Python?

Use the vmin and vmax Parameter to Set the Range of Colorbar in Python. The vmin and vmax parameters can be used to specify the scale for mapping color values. These parameters work with the object, which uses colormaps. It can be used to control the range of the colorbar in matplotlib.

How do I set Matplotlib size?

Import matplotlib. To change the figure size, use figsize argument and set the width and the height of the plot. Next, we define the data coordinates. To plot a bar chart, use the bar() function. To display the chart, use the show() function.

1 Answers

This combination (and values near to these) seems to "magically" work for me to keep the colorbar scaled to the plot, no matter what size the display.

plt.colorbar(im,fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
like image 63
skytaker Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10
