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Teamcity VCS Build Trigger not working

Im using TeamCity 7.1, i have configured my build configuration and added a VCS build trigger for trigger the build when check-in completed.(VCS Trigger configuration is default, i havent changed it)

After i push my code to git, teamcity realizes it(as you can see => http://prntscr.com/17j33d), but not triggering the build.

I want to trigger the build when change detected on source.

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Oğuzhan Topçu Avatar asked May 31 '13 07:05

Oğuzhan Topçu

1 Answers

Make sure the "Trigger a build on each check-in" option is checked in the VCS Trigger dialog. I think by default, it is unchecked, so if you are in fact using the default configuration, this might not be enabled.

If that doesn't work, try defining "+:." in the VCS trigger rules, as described by JMD. You can also try deleting the build trigger and creating a new one with the rules you want.

like image 144
Sam Jones Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Sam Jones