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Github multiple status checks for pull request

I have a teamcity project running a build against github repo. On completion of the build, it uses a build feature of teamcity named "Report Change Status to Github" which reports the build status using - https://api.github.com

Now I would like to have another teamcity project run a build against the same github repo and report the build status to github.

How do I make github display the 2 status checks differently? Despite the 2 builds reporting status to github, github just displays "1 pending check" or "1 status check completed successfully"

like image 952
govin Avatar asked Oct 16 '15 16:10


People also ask

How do I know if my pull request is approved?

If it's merged, then it's accepted. If it's closed and not merged it may be rejected.

Can multiple people work on a pull request?

Once a pull request is open, you can discuss your code with other developers. Most Git hosting platforms allow other users to add comments and suggest changes during that process. After your reviewers have approved your work, it might be merged into another branch.

1 Answers

Edit: I didn't realize you already have the plug in installed, but I am going to leave the steps for other users. I think you need separate build configurations and to make sure you customize the context setting.

I was playing with this today and you can't use JetBrains "Commit Status Reporter" to do this. You can use this plugin though: https://github.com/jonnyzzz/TeamCity.GitHub

It wasn't straightforward to install--

  1. Go here (choose Log in as guest): https://teamcity.jetbrains.com/viewType.html?buildTypeId=bt398 and
  2. Click the "View" link in the "Artifacts" column in the latest successful build.
  3. Then you click teamcity.github.zip and it will download a zip file
  4. Then you upload that zip to TeamCity in the plugins section
  5. Once you do that, go to Build Features and click "Add Build Feature" and select "Report change status to GitHub".
  6. Then fill the form out with something like this (Note: You will need this for each build configuration you want reported. I am also running each build on separate agents which might be necessary):

TeamCity with Github Statuses

like image 108
ratherblue Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09
