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TeamCity share build number between multiple build configurations



i am looking for a way to share build number between multiple build configurations. The goal is to have an global counter of some sort and all build configurations would be incrementing it and use it in its own the build number.

like image 929
Eatdoku Avatar asked Jul 17 '13 20:07


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A build chain is a sequence of builds interconnected by snapshot dependencies. Sometimes the build chain is called a "pipeline". Parts of a build chain linked with snapshot dependencies with enabled revisions synchronization use the same snapshot of the sources.

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To copy, move or delete a build configuration, use the Actions menu in the upper right corner of Build Configuration Settings.

1 Answers

If one of build configurations A has snapshot or artifact dependency on build configuration B, then you can obtain build number from B in A with help of dependency parameter:

%dep.<B id>.build.number%

Where <B id> is id of build configuration B (see buildTypeId parameter in URL).

like image 158
Pavel Sher Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Pavel Sher