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How to cleanup old Failed Builds in TeamCity?

We do have hundreds of failed builds in TeamCity (number is especially high because of old retry on fail settings) and now it's a pain to browse history.

I want to clean up only old failed builds, is there anyway to do that in TeamCity? Normal clean-up policy only allows X days before the last successful build sort of clean ups.

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dr. evil Avatar asked Jun 01 '10 07:06

dr. evil

People also ask

How do you clean builds in TeamCity?

You can also enable automatic cleaning the sources before every build, if you check the option Clean all files before build on the Create/Edit Build Configuration> Version Control Settings page. If this option is checked, TeamCity performs a full checkout before each build.

How do I revert my TeamCity changes?

You are right ,there is no obvious option in Teamcity to rollback to a previous version. However, all teamcity build configurations are maintained in a xml file on the local disk drive in the Local Build Server. The files are created in a rolling format (the latest config is called config.

1 Answers

In more recent versions of TeamCity you can now:

  1. Click on the build you want to remove.
  2. From the Build Actions menu select Remove...
  3. Put in an optional comment and click the Remove button to remove that build.
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Guy Sirton Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Guy Sirton