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TeamCity build agent disconnected



I installed a build agent on Windows 7 and always have the agent show up as "disconnected". The log teamcity-agent.txt shows below information

 If this is the first time this agent registered on the server make sure it is     authorized by administrator in the server web UI.  [2012-09-05 02:56:14,416]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Agent registration finished.  [2012-09-05 02:56:14,418]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Stop command was not performed. No build to stop with reason: BuildInterruptReason.AGENT_SHUTDOWN  [2012-09-05 02:56:14,418]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Starting agent shutdown sequence, reason: Restart agent, failed to download upgrade from server  [2012-09-05 02:56:14,424]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Host configuration for downloading updates: HostConfiguration[host=http://myteamcity:8080]  [2012-09-05 02:56:14,424]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/teamcity-agent.xml ==> C:\BuildAgent\temp\iQ0fjie6zR125neulJeqiYauT8zQ5zOI  [2012-09-05 02:56:15,070]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/agentSystemInfo.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\agentSystemInfo.zip  [2012-09-05 02:56:15,747]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/amazonEC2.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\amazonEC2.zip  [2012-09-05 02:56:16,617]   INFO - agent.impl.AgentPortFileWriter - Delete agent runtime file from C:\BuildAgent\logs\buildAgent.port  [2012-09-05 02:56:16,619]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Unregistering from build server: 18  [2012-09-05 02:56:16,800]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Shutdown agent WebServer start  [2012-09-05 02:56:16,801]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Shutdown agent WebServer finish  [2012-09-05 02:56:16,801]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Shutdown agent finish  [2012-09-05 02:56:16,968]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/ant.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\ant.zip  [2012-09-05 02:56:50,086]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/antPlugin.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\antPlugin.zip  [2012-09-05 02:56:52,070]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/assembly-info-patcher.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\assembly-info-patcher.zip  [2012-09-05 02:56:53,464]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/clearcase-agent.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\clearcase-agent.zip  [2012-09-05 02:56:55,375]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/cmake-runner.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\cmake-runner.zip  [2012-09-05 02:56:57,190]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/commandLineRunner.jar ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\commandLineRunner.jar  [2012-09-05 02:56:58,218]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/coveragePlugin.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\coveragePlugin.zip  [2012-09-05 02:57:11,629]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/crashDetector.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\crashDetector.zip  [2012-09-05 02:57:12,436]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/cvsAgent.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\cvsAgent.zip  [2012-09-05 02:57:20,720]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/dotCover.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\dotCover.zip  [2012-09-05 02:58:00,011]   INFO -    jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Downloading http://myteamcity:8080/update/plugins/dotNetPlugin.zip ==> C:\BuildAgent\update\plugins\dotNetPlugin.zip  

How can I get the agent connected?

like image 552
Catherine Dai Avatar asked Sep 05 '12 10:09

Catherine Dai

People also ask

How do I restart my TeamCity agent?

You can restart TeamCity right from the UI: Administration > Diagnostics > Server Restart .

How do I cancel TeamCity agent?

To stop the agent manually, run the <Agent home>\agent script with the stop parameter.

2 Answers

Here is a very comprehensive blog on re-connecting disconnected agents


Here are the steps (copied from the above link)

If an agent becomes disconnected for whatever reason, you can follow these steps to re-connect it:

  • ssh to the server that the disconnected agent is on.
  • go to the build agent’s bin directory (i.e. /opt/teamcity/buildagent/buildagent01/bin/)
  • su to the user that the agent runs as (i.e. appBuilder)
  • run agent.sh start

That will start the agent, and after a few seconds or so, the next time you go to TeamCity, it will be connected.

If Team City is running on a windows server, you can connect to that server, go to Services and restart the build agent that has become disconnected. Team City

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Peter Munnings Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 07:10

Peter Munnings

In my case the agent was started but listed as disconnected, after waiting several minutes it was still disconnect. So I went to the bin directory on the build agent like Peter suggested and ran the following two commands

./agent.sh stop ./agent.sh start 

essentially just restarting the build agent. That did the trick for me.

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S.Will Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 09:10
