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TeamCity - Can I cancel currently running builds of the same configuration when starting a new build?

I have some long running integration tests that are automatically run by the TeamCity server when I commit to source control.

TeamCity allows me to prevent these tasks from taking up all the build agents concurrently by limiting the simultaneous builds, however I wonder if it's possible to have TeamCity cancel any currently running tasks of this configuration when a new one starts?

In this environment as soon as there is a new commit to source control, old runs of the integration tests are irrelevant, so I don't want the server to waste its time running tests for old versions.

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Liam Flanagan Avatar asked Jan 28 '15 11:01

Liam Flanagan

3 Answers

I don't think this is possible, and I would say this is by design.

Imagine a world where this is allowed, you would never know which commit caused a test to start failing. If you had enough overlapping commits you could have 50 builds before you know that the final test to be run fails, and would have no idea whether it was the last commit or the one 49 before that which caused it to fail.

IMHO you would be better focusing efforts into making so that multiple runs can happen simultaneously on different servers, to get the speed up you want, not throwing the baby out with the bath water


Whilst I don't think this is supported out of the box, if I had to do this I think I would look at getting a notification when a build starts (seems there are no notifications for builds being queued, so you'll have to allow multiple builds to run concurrently for this to work) and then you can use the API to do cancel the other builds:.

you can get a list of builds using the API as well so should be able to cancel all the ones which are not the most recent

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Sam Holder Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 02:11

Sam Holder

No, it's not possible. You can cancel it manually. Or you can add a quiet period (default is 60 seconds) so a build doesn't start immediately when something has been pushed. Then if some commits arrive after few seconds or minutes, they will be included in the TeamCity build.

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Gerald Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 02:11


My solution is similar to Sam's update but I would use a "preamble" configuration that is triggered by commits to source control. This job is solely responsible for checking to see if any of your integration test jobs are already running and stopping them with a REST API call, as needed.

The main integrations tests are run from a dedicated job configuration that uses a build finish trigger associated with the preamble configuration.

This setup makes it quite straightforward to query which jobs are running and may need to be cancelled if there is newer work to do. So the steps become:

  1. Preamble - cancel any running integration test job, triggered by VCS
  2. Integration test - triggered by completion of a "Preamble" build
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Rob Fulwell Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 02:11

Rob Fulwell