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New posts in zsh-completion

zsh: show completion group names

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how to install kubectl autocompletion plugin for zsh?

Why does zsh completion work for VBoxManage but not vboxmanage?

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File completion priorities in ZSH

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How to force filename completion under oh-my-zsh?

zsh completion with virtual path

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zsh compadd - how to specify argument's description?

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zsh compinit: insecure directories. Compaudit shows /tmp directory

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ubuntu 14.04 apt/aptitude autocompletion with oh-my-zsh not working

Zsh autocomplete function based on 2 arguments

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Using zsh's compdef or compctl to complete a certain directory with _hosts for all commands

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Zsh: How to force file completion everywhere following a set of characters?

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zsh completion according to a parameter

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Zsh function: forward completion to subfunction

bind key to complete filename wherever the context is in Zsh

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Git tab completion stopped working on remote branches

Can zsh do smartcase completion like vim's search?

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Make zsh complete arguments from a file

zsh zsh-completion