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Inserting current date to MySql using Zend Date

How to set auth variable in zend framework

Zend GetText and .mo .po files

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Use of undefined constant - assumed ' ' - a blank constant?

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Zend Framework project without using Zend_Application

How bootstrap works in general and particularly in Zend Framework?

Append stylesheet with Zend Framework only works if no action is specified

Zend_Form label decorator

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Doctrine 2: Force scheduleForUpdate on a non-changed entity

404 The requested URL could not be matched by routing

Is HHVM or PHP5 Zend running?

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Integrating external scripts with Zend Framework

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Tutorials For Database-Driven Routing in Zend Framework?

Zend Framework: How to unset a key in Zend_Registry?

Zend Framework: How to unset data rows in a Zend_Db_Table_Rowset object

Unit Testing (PHPUnit): how to login?

how to implement ws-security 1.1 in php5

How to use the Zend Framework partial view helper outside of a controller or view?

Doctrine 2 and Zend 1.11 convert-mapping error..

Logging design pattern in a Zend framework application