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In Yii2, how do I join a table to itself?

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How to get the most favourited items, from another table?

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What is the use of "defined('YII_DEBUG') or" in "defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', false);"?

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How to add id preix for field in activeForm?

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Yii2. Adding attribute and rule dynamically to model

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Add field calculated from SQL query to Yii2 ActiveRecord model

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Yii2 step-by-step guide on login from table in MySQL

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yii2 : how to keep the url same in kartik grid view?

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Saving, organizing and querying products, options/tags and categories

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What is Block in Yii2

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How to configure global uploadPath and uploadUrl in Yii2?

Yii2 Can we change the assets directory location?

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Yii2: Bootstrap Modal Form Validation (Ajax) - any insight on strange behavior?

Translations in sourceLanguage does not work in Yii2 application

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Yii2 How to pass the model instance to the main layout?

How to implement mysql record locking in Yii2

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Yii2 - Model is not saving in foreach loop in Yii2

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How to show has many relation record in Yii2 GridView and DetailView?

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Take user input in Yii2 console command

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Yii2: sort a relational count column in GridView

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