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How do I start mvn test phase on Xvfb?

xvfb install on Linux

linux selenium xvfb

Xvfb - Browser window does not fit display

Xvfb not found on your system (Headless::Exception) in mac

ruby headless xvfb

Trying to configure Xvfb to run Firefox headlessly

flash player not working under xvfb

flash xvfb

Running a Maven Webdriver Testng test on Jenkins, unidentifiable error

Amazon EC2 Ubuntu + Xvfb: libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

ubuntu amazon-ec2 xvfb glx

Error in .vdisplay.start() - xvfbwrapper is not working

python selenium xvfb

Running Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox inside Xvfb from ruby as NON-root user

Programmatically grab screenshots in OSX

Python XVFB error in windows

Using VNCserver + GUI application + Virtual Display in Docker container

docker dockerfile vnc xvfb

selenium chrome driver httplib.badstatusline

What is difference between Xvfb and Chromedriver and when to use them