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New posts in xtext

How do Syntactic Predicates Work?


Correctly initializing and retrieving preferences in a Xtext-based Eclipse Plugin

Xtext multiple generators

xtext xtend

Variable named interface

Projectional Textual Editor?

Xtext custom cross-references


Has anybody fully implemented an XText editor in an IViewPart

eclipse-plugin xtext

Xtext - multiple files language

dsl xtext

single click for getting xText editor support

java xtext

How to unit Test for Xtext

unit-testing dsl xtext xtend

(A better way to) Get files within a project using Eclipse and XText

java eclipse plugins xtext

XText programmatically parse a DSL script into an Ecore model

eclipse eclipse-emf xtext

What's the relationshiop between Xtext and ANTLR?

parsing antlr xtext generative

Xtext example of a scoped object

scope dsl xtext

Disable "Add Xtext nature" dialog in Eclipse

eclipse dsl xtext

Editor generator for ANTLR grammars?

editor antlr antlr3 xtext

Advanced Custom Syntax Coloring for Aptana Studio 3 (.less)

Writing a custom Xtext/ANTLR lexer without a grammar file

antlr lexer xtext

How to disable css warning "Unknown property" in Eclipse Mars?

Convert simple Antlr grammar to Xtext

antlr xtext