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ChatStateListener not working smack [duplicate]

XMPP - Retrieve last n messages from chat room

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XMPP Libraries for Metro Apps in WinRT [closed]

How do you scale XMPP installation? [closed]

How to create an account from Smack 4.1

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How to create a chat room and add users into the room in openfire using PHP

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Asmack login issue on Android 5.0 and above

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Is Node-XMPP useless ? Choosing XMPP server

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Creating persistent connection between Converse JS and Openfire Server

smack connect to xmpp server with previous stream id

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How to fast connect my XMPP based app like WhatsApp?

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Can I invoke XMPPConnection.sendPacket from concurrent threads?

Is it possible to send message via GTalk Intent?

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Integrating Smack with Android Studio project for chat application

XMPP client using Smack 4.1 giving NullPointerException during login

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differences between smack, tinder and whack

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No response from remote client: error during file transfer using asmack

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