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"Week of the year" Algorithm needs improvements

wpf algorithm c#-4.0

Problems Data Binding to a DependencyProperty on a UserControl

wpf binding

Rounding a Value in the WPF Binding

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Non-static dependency properties


Simple small INotifyPropertyChanged implementation

Force close all open popups from code

c# wpf xaml

Create MessageBox With TextBox In It [duplicate]

c# wpf

Destroy controls

c# wpf

Is there a way to desaturate an Image on a Button thats disabled?

wpf triggers styles icommand

Moving progress bar not to show percentage in c# wpf

c# wpf progress-bar

MouseLeftButtonDown not recognized by a ListBox?

Disable past dates in datapicker wpf is this possible


Custom App class bypassing autogenerated file

c# wpf

WPF RotateTransform question on offset

wpf rotatetransform

Clicking TreeView item to select not working

wpf xaml treeview selection

How to resize a WPF Window in increments?

c# .net wpf xaml

Mathematical formulas for easing functions (ElasticEase, CircleEase, BounceEase, BackEase, PowerEase)?

wpf math

How can I save the picture on image control in wpf?

wpf c#-4.0 wpf-controls

Shortcut to a control in WPF


Change a Label's behavior to support toggling by click in WPF

wpf wpf-controls label toggle