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New posts in word-embedding

Gensim 3.8.0 to Gensim 4.0.0

word2vec: CBOW & skip-gram performance wrt training dataset size

nlp word2vec word-embedding

Visualize Gensim Word2vec Embeddings in Tensorboard Projector

Prevent over-fitting of text classification using Word embedding with LSTM

what is dimensionality in word embeddings?

Is it possible to use Google BERT to calculate similarity between two textual documents?

Ensure the gensim generate the same Word2Vec model for different runs on the same data

How does Keras 1d convolution layer work with word embeddings - text classification problem? (Filters, kernel size, and all hyperparameter)

What does a weighted word embedding mean?

word2vec - what is best? add, concatenate or average word vectors?

Character-Word Embeddings from lm_1b in Keras

What is the preferred ratio between the vocabulary size and embedding dimension?

What is "unk" in the pretrained GloVe vector files (e.g. glove.6B.50d.txt)?

How does mask_zero in Keras Embedding layer work?

How is WordPiece tokenization helpful to effectively deal with rare words problem in NLP?

nlp word-embedding

CBOW v.s. skip-gram: why invert context and target words?

Embedding in pytorch

What does tf.nn.embedding_lookup function do?