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Mathematica calls NMinimize with symbols rather than numbers?

Function minimization with equality constraints in Mathematica 8

Can one export Special symbols / Cyrillic letters in plot labels when exporting graphics to PDF ?

Numerical Differentiation of List in Mathematica


No mouse-scrolling in Pane objects?

How to extract all the data from InterpolatingFunction for creating identical one?


Creating robust real-time monitors for variables

Why would Mathematica break normal scoping rules in Module?

Convert a Dynamic[] construct to a numerical list

TreeForm without overlap

graph wolfram-mathematica

Applying transformation of `GatherBy` to a different list


Is there a function head in mathematica that can be used to define an input type?

Mathematica If-then vs. Implies

Export custom formatted expressions from Mathematica

Targeted Simplify in Mathematica


How to define /@-like operator

Batch input and output in Mathematica?


How to convert Mathematica binary dump file to list of definitions?

Curve fitting: Find the smoothest function that satisfies a list of constraints