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New posts in wolfram-mathematica

Generating knots procedurally (and visualizing them)

Does Dymola have the similar function of "equation browser" like Wolfram system modeler?

Ways to work around Mathematica Notation bug?

Is there a way to force ContourPlot re-check all the points on the each stage of it's recursion algorithm?


Convenient way to add inline formatting to usage Messages

CounterIncrements for individual cells


Why does InverseFunction[0 &]@0 return 33/10?

Preserve Tooltips when exporting GraphPlot

Quadrature routines for probability densities

Stitch together images with exactly matching (pixel to pixel) overlaps

Mathematica, nested optimization


Compute average distance from point to line segment and line segment to line segment

Ordering@Ordering and Ranking Permutations


Non-windows way to invoke Matlab from Mathematica

Implementing Double Exponential Smoothing, aka Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA)

Dynamic as a function argument


How to export ContourPlot3D surface and regenerate it in Excel, Originlab or some other similar softwares


mathematica remote kernel on macs


Handling flexible arguments in Mathematica functions

Any way to force Mathematica to remove the Locked attribute?